Group Epee Teen and Adult Ages 14 and up Monthly

  2025_6_GroupTeen/Adult Epee
  6/4/2025 - 6/18/2025
  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  West Michigan Fencing Academy

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Epee Teen and Adult   
Ages 14 and up

WMFA is pleased to expand the epee fencing program with a dedicated class! This program is open to all high school age or older fencers regardless of experience. Completion of the beginning fencing course or prior experience is required to sign up for this class. Emphasis will be placed on epee specific technical drills, point control, and tactics. Both recreational and competitive fencers are encouraged to attend the epee class. Fencers will be grouped by experience fordirected bouting. Classes will be held once per week and taught by  Coach Barney Benyovszky and Coach Doug Green. Fencing equipment is required and may be purchased or rented from WMFA. Students may be eligible to apply for scholarship reimbursement